Bridget Boer Doe gave us quite a surprise. She is so fat we had a hard time guessing her due date. Last night she gave birth to three skinny weak doelings. Again we missed the begining of the birth and we lost the first one out. It has been quite a night being a new mom all over again. We stayed up late helping bridget figure things out and cleaning off the newborns, then spent the night waking several times to hold the tiny skiny doelings to their mothers teats, they have only started to stand this morning. Elowyn had to get her share to. All in all we are exhausted, and pleased with all our little does. Jane had two doelings and a buckling. It was the buckling that died. The boys didn't have school today and have been out several times "saving" the kids from being sat upon by their mother.
I am in always in awe of your commitment!!! love you...
O.K. This is so cute. I want to snuggle them. What a great experience for the boys.
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