I Love my cats. They are one of the few animals on the farm that pay for themselves. On this day Coco caught himself a bite of lunch. We went to see this rather large bite. Little Lady's response was fun. (As background, her father has recently introduced her to Disney's Cinderella. ) As we approached she could see Coco playing and tossing his lunch around, she giggled with glee at the fun and said "mice, mice" She was sure this was one of those cute friendly mice. She repeated over and over her desire for the "mice, mice". I was nervous about her desire to hold and touch, I wanted Coco to have a good lunch without being disturbed. I hauled a sad Little Lady away up to the shop.
It was not long before I heard a muffled "mrowf", here comes Coco rat in mouth struggling through two closed fences. He deposited the rat right in Dundee's lap and proceeded to rub up against the surprised dog who jumped up and looked at me seeming to ask, "What am I supposed to do about this, is it OK?" Dundee came to me, away from possible trouble. Coco proceeded to eat his lunch there near us. Within seven minutes he devoured it all the way down to its haunches, his belly was bulging and rounded out. Coco picked up the remains of his lunch to bring over to his friends. Big and bossy brother Milo saw him and ran over. Coco dropped the rat by his brother. Milo grabbed and ran, so afraid of loosing his prize he dug a hole in some nearby leaves and buried it there. Later he dug it up and finished it all except the tail which was left on the walkway. Little Lady did not like getting taken away and begs to see the little video of Coco playing with the "mice, mice."
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