I said goodbye today to my friend and companion of several
You gave everything you had to be what I needed.
With heavy heart and a tear in my eye, we said goodbye.
I sat right there gently rubbing your ears, while I spoke to you softly, trying to hold back the tears.
One last hug and one last caress, you have no idea how much you'll be missed.To look into your eyes this one last time, you have not the desire to rise.
It is so hard to see your pain, close your eyes now and go to sleep.
I sit and try to write the words, I want your heart to hear.
Hoping to find some comfort, in the hollow you have left.
I look out into the open field, where you once raced.
Knowing now that field is empty of the protection and security you placed.
So with heavy heart and tears in my eyes, just for now my friend I say goodbye.
Dundee showed me in his loving devotion what it really means to be utterly abandoned to the Master’s purposes. He taught me much about love
and discipline. He taught trust and loyalty. In his simple ways he taught me of
God’s love and how to become more loving, patient and kind.
All things denote there is a God.
Somehow, I thought that he would always be here....I guess I still think that he will!
I cry.
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