Sunday, November 13, 2011

Little Mother

Her nursery leaders love her. Today they exclaimed over her helpfulness and how cute she was being a little mother all day. I thought she was cute too.
This morning on the way to church she asked for "mormon music", I put in the cd she wanted, Janeen Brady LDS songs. I was surprised when she started singing along on the songs. First was "I'm a Mormon" followed by "Grandma and Grandpa are going away on a mission" and finally "When I grow up."
She talked about them, some of her comments were;
Mama the boys are Mormons because Papa is a Mormon too.
Nana and Grandpa are on a mission, they will come to our house and come home and then they will go on a mission again.
Mama, I will be a mother and I will have babies of my very own and I will love them, one two and three boys and Parley and girls too. They will be so wonderful. I will love them and squeeze them.


Unknown said...


Isabel said...

She's a great communicator!! Hyrum talks to me lots too, but mostly about tractors and trailers... oh, and about "La casa del senor"/the house of the Lord...he's going to take me there he says. Enoch corrects him and explains that Mami goes with Papi, but he can take "Abuelita" mom. Funny, but heart melting conversations!