Thursday, May 31, 2012

Where does toe jam come from?

From a freshly uses lollipop stick of course. I guess getting his face, shirt and hands all sticky was not enough. He needed to feel it between the toes. Something deep going on in that brain of his.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


What do parents do after they send their children to bed?
Eat chocolates, ice cream, and watch movies according to some.

Tonight I caught a spy, I'm afraid he was bitterly disappointed to find laundry, straightening house and rocking babies to be the only activities.

If only he would report how boring it all is to the rest of his cronies so I can at last get to eating chocolates and all the rest of the fun.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Ride a Cock-horse

Does he look like a happy boy? He is! The whole way to Bamberry Cross he was like this. No complaints of saddle sores or anything. Ladies were few, but he did not mind.
We had music a plenty in his laugh.

Monday, May 14, 2012


His first corn on the cob. At first he was apprehensive but after a few tentative bites he really got into it, gnawing, chewing and sucking. He made good use of his four teeth, soon to be six teeth. He did not want to let go of it once it had become desirable.