Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Moving up in the Forest

I think I may harbor a few hard feelings towards "Blues Clues" for their song about "you can do anything that you want to do". My little one sings it with an "I" in place of the "you" and often argues with me when an answer is "no". She knows that she can do anything she has seen someone else do, even climbing a rock wall that is 7 feet high.
Today she ran off leading a friend to a dangerous area. When retrieved she just stated "I just runned away", very matter of factly. The boys do it all the time.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Even a doll has to eat

Lunch was a little late and we were all ready for a nap.
Convincing my little one that she wanted to eat was a difficult task. Neither Mama or Papa could find the magic combination, but someone did. The best friend a little girl could have, Raggedy Ann, did what no one else could do. They shared two sandwiches and a container of oranges.
Listening to the conversation shared between the two of them was precious. I wish I had jotted it down.
Raggey is showing signs of a child's love and needs the work of a loving seamstress to keep up her constitution.