Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Even a doll has to eat

Lunch was a little late and we were all ready for a nap.
Convincing my little one that she wanted to eat was a difficult task. Neither Mama or Papa could find the magic combination, but someone did. The best friend a little girl could have, Raggedy Ann, did what no one else could do. They shared two sandwiches and a container of oranges.
Listening to the conversation shared between the two of them was precious. I wish I had jotted it down.
Raggey is showing signs of a child's love and needs the work of a loving seamstress to keep up her constitution.


Janet said...


ky+i=vy said...

Raggey is becoming REAL!!!

Heather said...

I like Ivy's comment. Just think... the Raggedeys have cousins...