Sunday, September 11, 2011

My other hand

With school starting I have really been missing my other hand. The hand that is always there to help or hold.
All summer I wake to the sounds of Wade reading as he quietly waits for Elowyn to wake so that he can change her diaper and get her dressed for the day. He then took her upstairs and played with her so I could get another hour of sleep before Parley woke. Wade made breakfast most mornings, sometimes he was a bit messy, but he was in charge of cleaning up dishes. Wade would hold Parley and rock him when I had to work with Darian or Elowyn, sometimes taking both Parley and Elowyn. Wade has been responsible all summer for a 20x4 foot garden of his own but he also took on Elowyn's garden and helping her weed each day. Wade is as patient as a saint with his older brother Darian, playing with him and trying to understand him as well as defending him. Wade has been near by all summer asking if he could get me a drink or if I needed him to do an extra job. This was never done with the feel of brown nosing, but with what felt like real concern for my comfort and well being. Wade has also been overlooked all summer, he is usually overlooked by everyone, teachers, parents, friends. He is almost always taken for granted. The squeaky wheels get greased and I am so worn out from the emotional grease I often not only have none left but I snap at the only dependable wheel I have. Now that school has started Wade is still dining all of that in the mornings as well as his regular jobs and homework but I miss him while he is at school. I often find myself stretched and I wish for my other hand to be home.
Wade is sensitive, smart, kind, good, and happy. He is a blessing in my life.


Isabel said...

oh, how sweet it is to get to know him this way. Please give him a loving hug and good squeeze on his Aunt Isa's behalf. This kind of character building is so appreciated.

Lakeside said...

You are doing a good job with my name.

Unknown said...

We love him too.

Heather said...

Not well done, but well doing, Wade! I've never had a hand like that!