Friday, September 9, 2011

She is at home and asleep now

Elowyn came down with a fever unlike any we knew. Her arms were cold but her chest was burning up. She got to 103. Julie cooled her down a bit and got her to drink so we thought it might be over. The fear was that it was heat exhaustion. So when she threw up and her temperature went back up she went to the emergency room. I got there soon after. They asked questions. Took measurements. Then they put us in a room. Then it was Tylenol up the bottom. Thermometer up the bottom. Ibuprofen down the throat. Then wait. Then check eyes ears and throat Then measure again. Then an IV which I thought was terrible and would be the worst. She could never look at a nurse without suspicious fear for the rest of our stay. Then wait. She was getting normal, but a blood test showed high white blood cells. So chest x-rays. Julie took the other kids home. Then the worst came. Test for meningitis by taking spinal fluid. They gave her a drug that made her loopy so she couldn't register pain or any other input correctly. I held her hand and tried to hide my tears while they poked her. When she came back around 20 minutes later she said in a pleasant in charge voice "let's put this away and go home now. ". The test was negative. So finally antibiotics. Then peel off all the sticky sensors. Peel off the IV. Then put on a gown and go. When we got outside Elowyn pleasantly talked about how it was dark and how we should find the truck so we could drive home to "Bonnie Jean"(think of Brigadoon). She said on the drive home that we went to the doctor and they made her better so now we go find Mama. I'm the one who wants to cry about it all. Blood lab work is still pending, but the worst case should just be more antibiotics.


Lisa P. said...

Poor little thing. I'm glad you are home. No fun! Those tests are so unfair! Hope she's feeling better soon. We'll be praying.

Isabel said...

How horrible. I could not handle watching anything even close to all this. My heart stood still at first glance of the picture.

Unknown said...

How forgiving and understanding she was of the nurses and doctors! So scary.