Thursday, March 1, 2012

Midnight Snack

Someone woke from a slumber that should have lasted all night long. He spied Papa's bowl and all his attention rested there. He bounced up and down pleading for a taste of chocolate ice cream. Each bite came after an agonizingly long wait. When Papa was done, he still wanted more. Papa found yogurt to share. This was only disappointing. Each bite there was hope and each bite was bitter. Sadness came. We tried to add chocolate syrup but that too missed the mark. It was not the chocolate ice cream he dreamed of. Unable to satisfy his hunger we cleaned him up. Now how do we get him back to sleep?


lilybit said...

come here little one and I will share my chocolate ice cream with you! sleep is so overrated!

Isabel said...

His eyes r gorgeous, and his smile is way too contagious!! Sweet boy you have.

Heather said...

I think you love him.